AF Labor Advisors: Labor Standards Information

Wage Determinations On-Line:  This website provides a single location for federal contracting officers to use in obtaining appropriate Service Contract Act (SCA) and Davis-Bacon Act (DBA) wage determinations (WDs) for each official contract action."
Service Contract Act:  Additional information and links related to labor standards requirements of the Service Contract Act (SCA).
Davis-Bacon Act:  Additional information and links related to labor standards requirements of the Davis-Bacon Act (DBA).
Frequently Asked Questions:  Only the curious should venture down this path.
Equal Employment Opportunity:  Information on EO 11246, the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP), and the National Pre-award Registry.
All Agency Memorandum (AAM):  A listing of important Department of Labor AAMs regarding the Service Contract Act and Davis-Bacon Act.
Forms:  Commonly used in the support of the day-to-day Air Force Labor operations.