§Give local and local small businesses the “FIRST LOOK” to the base’s mission requirements for micro-purchase ($10K) acquisitions
§Wing/CC-driven initiative for employing purchasing power
•Not a mandatory procedure
•Encourages cardholders to buy local when it makes business sense
AF FIRST LOOK Goals & Benefits
Better solution to requirement
§Local businesses have knowledge of local marketplace, environment, and conditions
§More responsive customer service
§Lower market to customer complexity and expense
Increase mission supplier redundancy / competition
Alignment of base requirements w/ local businesses
§Increase value to base requiring activities through responsiveness
§Informed local sourcing decisions through data
Align mentorship efforts to businesses, increase opportunities to drive efficiencies for local and local small businesses
§Lower GPC exchange fees – savings passed on to customer
§Increasing GPC rebates
Improved Community Relations through increased business/ leadership linkages around local support to base mission
Supports business investment in the local community
§Investments typically ~20% higher than national retailers
•Job growth in local economy, potentially increasing opportunities for spouse employment
Supports public policy to invest in small business as an engine for job creation
§Programs like AF FIRST LOOK can’t be done “fast or big enough!” (HASC/SASC)