Mission: Cost effectively modernize to deliver capability to the warfighter when needed.
Vision: Deliver enduring world class capabilities to assure air, space and cyberspace dominance for the nation and our allies.
SAF/AQB - Scientific Advisory Board Leadership: Lt Col Steven Ingraham
SAF/AQC - Contracting Leadership: Maj Gen Alice Trevino
SAF/AQD - Logistics and Product Support Leadership: Mr. Devin Cate
SAF/AQH - Acquisition Career Management Leadership: Mr. Ruben Rios
SAF/AQI - Information Dominance Leadership: Mr. Joseph Bradley
SAF/AQL - Special Programs Leadership: Col Matthew Osterhage
SAF/AQP - Global Power Leadership: Maj Gen John Edwards
SAF/AQQ - Global Reach Leadership: Maj Gen Darren Cole
SAF/AQR - Science, Technology, and Engineering Leadership: Ms. Janet Wolfson
SAF/AQX - Acquisition Integration Leadership: Mr. Stephen Wert